Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chinese Polysilicon Projects List

Polysilicon is the hottest sector in Chinese solar energy industry, many new polysilicon projects are started in 2006 and 2007, it is estimated that by the end of 2010 the total polysilicon production capacity in China will reach 100,000 tons.

Below is the list of all the started polysilicon projects in China:

1. Luoyang China Silicon: 3,000 tons
2. Sichuan E'mei Semiconductor Material Factory: 1,500 tons
3. Sichuan Xin'guang Silicon: 1,260 tons
4. Yichang Nanbo Silicon: 4,500 tons
5. Asia Silicon (Qinghai): 6,000 tons
6. Ningxia Yangguang Silicon: 4,500 tons
7. Shunda: 1,500 tons
8. Jiangsu Zhongneng Solar: 10,000 tons
9. Xuntianyu Technology: 6,000 tons
10.Ai'xin Silicon: 10,000 tons
11.Tongwei (Si'chuan Yong’xiang): 10,000 tons
12.Suntech Power: 4,500 tons
13.Jingxin New Energy: 5,000 tons
14.Fu'yuan Silicon: 2,000 tons
15.Inner Mongolia Shenzhou Silicon: 1,500 tons
16.Si'chuan Chaolei Industries: 5,000 tons
17.Beijing Shunda Xin'ye Energy: 3,000 tons
18.LDK Solar: 15,000 tons
19.Chengdu Gaofei Industries: 5,000 tons
20.Shanghai Industry Investment: 3,000 tons
21.Jiangxi New Era: 2,500 tons
22.Shan'xi Tian'hong Silicon: 3,750 tons

Most of these investors do not have any polysilicon production experience before, and some experts do not believe all these polysilicon projects will be completed as scheduled because they doubt the production technology of these new polysilicon projects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


China Nuvo Solar has an improved technology that can convert over 30% efficiency. It is a new company. Are you able to shed more light on this, like when it will commence production?

Also, does Suntech or any Chinese companies have the concentrator technology that uses lens to concentrate sunlight onto cells?